Autumn Run 2024

VSMA Autumn Run 2024 – 6th October

This year’s Autumn outing features a trip to “The Best Classic Car Cave in Scotland”

A private collection of classic cars and memobilia owned by Willie Hamilton of “Hamilton Tarmac”.

Starting at the New Lanark Mill Cafe situated in the visitor centre where tea/coffee and a filled roll will be served, the 65 mile route will head across to Ayshire using scenic country roads to arrive at Gemmells Garden Centre in time for lunch, consisting of soup, sandwiches and cake

After lunch we will make our way to Hurlford .

The cost of the outing will be £35 per person and will include tea/coffee and a filled roll at the start venue

The entry form can be downloaded or printed HERE.


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The Autumn Run will be held on 6th October – details to follow

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